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Trending Earplugs Products
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Loop Earplugs Switch is a 3-in-1 earplug for effortlessly changing the volume to match your surroundings. Inside the box, you'll get 1 set of earplugs, 4 sets of silicone ear tips (XS, S, M, L), and an extra carry case for easy access on the go.
EAROS ONE is a hearing protection with 17 dB noise reduction. It is designed to reduce noise while maintaining sound quality. EAROS ONE is a perfect noise reduction for concerts, musicians, and live events.
dBud earplugs offer the convenience of switching the level of noise reduction (-12dB/-24dB) to experience crystal-clear sound at all times. They come with 3 pairs of memory foam ear tips and 5 pairs of silicone ear tips.